  Sunday, October 13, 2024
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Manufacturers of GPS devices make strong claims   
GPS Receiver
GPS Receiver
Manufacturers of GPS devices make strong claims about the accuracy of their products; we’re pleased to say that these claims are usually true. Yet the accuracy and reliability of GPS Navigation Devices wouldn't be possible without cutting-edge satellite technology. To give you an idea of just how accurate these devices are, we return again to the satellites they depend on.

GPS satellites feature onboard atomic clocks, highly tuned devices that apply the theory of relativity to your everyday driving experience using your GPS device. Without getting into high-level physics, suffice it to say that when satellites are launched into space, they are calibrated, or given a rate offset, to compensate for the weaker gravitational force they will encounter in space. So whether you depend on an entry level (but completely adequate) GPS model like the Garmin StreetPilot i2, or the fully-loaded Garmin Nuvi 660, you’ll reap the benefits of the best technology the GPS industry has to offer.

The good news is that, despite all of the technological innovations found in GPS devices, you don’t need to be a physicist to use one. Companies like TomTom, Mio, Lowrance, Garmin, Magellan, and others, are constantly making new scientific and technological discoveries that will make your GPS Navigation experience more productive and more pleasurable.

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