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GPS Technology for Tracking Packages  
GPS Tracking Packages
GPS Tracking Packages
Government agencies and corporations have an emerging ally against the threat of terrorism – GPS technology. GPS, or global positioning satellite technology, is ideally suited to track the movement of cargo, as well as document and report unplanned changes in cargo weight, or any unplanned openings packages while in transit, according to an article in GPS World (Nov. 2004.)

For example, a special crate outfitted with special high security door seal that alerts authorities when the seal is breached may be used to ship valuables or security-critical contents across the globe by plane or ocean liner. Around-the-clock monitoring from a remote command center makes tracking freight possible anywhere in the world, using the 24 GPS satellites circling the globe.

Called wireless telematics, this innovative use of GPS technology is being pioneered by companies like Calgary-based CSI Wireless, Inc., MobinTeleCom Oy of Helsinki, Finland, and TriaGnoSys GmbH. A virtual global telematics security system is sure to make shipping safer and more predictable, while enhancing departure and entry point freight inspections.

Options include solar powered or battery operated devices, for use on mobile assets like trailers or containers, along with implementation of SiRF StarII, GSM, RFID, and of course, GPS technologies.

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